New Forest Robots Album "Timberline and Mountain Crest" Soft Release Available Now
Greetings friends. Fall is upon us and pretty soon so will Winter and the end of 2018 as well. But before that happens I have one more Forest Robots album to share with you. It is titled "Timberline and Mountain Crest" and it is a full length album of original material. Yes, I was lucky enough to have so many opportunities align themselves to be able to share a second full length in the same year and eight months apart from one another no less. So without further ado, here are the details.
Timberline and Mountain Crest
By Forest Robots
Sudden Bioluminescence
Where The Wild Summer Storms Run
Through The Trees And Into Wide Open Landscapes
Between The Orange And Purple Horizon
Treading Where Others Have Perished
As The Sun Rises Between Timberline And Mountain Crest
On A Desolate Shore Under A Full Moon
Farewell Sudden Summer Storm Clouds
When Forest Leaves Begin To Change
It's Quietest At The Edge Of The Crestline
Produced, Written and Recorded By Francisco J Dominguez.
Available for purchase and streaming now on Bandcamp and for pre-order elsewhere November 30th, 2018. Full release worldwide December 7th, 2018. Enjoy.